Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You can call me....Prophet

Yesterday on this here blogosphere, I wrote the following regarding Todd Bertuzzi's signing:

"Now I know all about the hit on Scott Moore. Yes it was a cheap shot. Yes it's cheap to hit a guy from behind. BUT, Todd has done his time. He missed the last quarter of 2004. He did his time. I'm sure he gets up every morning and wishes that never happened. So people have got to cut him some slack on that. I'm sure there are going to be some media types who will be all up in arms and get on their high horse and write about "How COULD the wings bring in someone so despicable????" Of course, it will be the first thing these columnists will have wrote about hockey in 3 years, but that's besides the point"

Well Little Mitchie did not let me down! Free Press writer/author/high horse enthusiast Mitch Albom Penned this little diddy today. "Shadow looms over Wings' acquisition of Bertuzzi". All I got to say is, Yup. I am sure Mitchy hasn't watched a wing game since 2002 and if asked couldn't name the wings number 3 goaltender, but Mitch just HAD to pen this column. He prolly was very excited at the prospect on hopping up on that 6 foot horse and tell us how we all should feel. He wrote about how he talked to him on the phone in Florida. Wow, hard hitting journalism there. Hey Mitch, can you name anybody on the Wings 3rd line? Are you going to be giving us a big column on the wings playoff chances and tell us about how their good their power play unit is? Or are you just going to give us drivel and try to preach to us.

I am getting really tired of all these preachy sports writers telling us what we should think and how we should feel. Just tell the story. If you have an opinion, state it, but don't force it down our throats. As I've said a couple times already, get off your high horse. If you watch the Sports Reporters on Sunday afternoons, it is filled with this. Mitchy, Lupica, John Saunders, Bob Ryan, they are all on there acting like they are right there on the field during the game getting the hard hitting interviews,when most of these veteran "columnists' have been mailing it in for years. And we all know how well Mitch is at mailing it in

One "High Horse' writer though who I am really starting to enjoy though is Jason Whitlock. On AOLSports.Com, he's been writing really good articles since he arrived from ESPN.COM.

On a side note, don't get me started with ESPN and ESPN.COM. But that's another post for another time. A LONG post for another time.

Whitlock was on Stoney and Wojo today and was tremendous. He really has a good connection with them and fits in well here in the Detroit area. If 1270WXYT ever pulls their head out their A$$ and pulls the unlistanable Doug Karsh/Scott Anderson midday show, Whitlock would be GREAT in that spot. Or put him at 3 against his good friends.

Mini Detroit Sports Radio rant. Driving in my car all day I pretty much listen all day to Sports Radio from 9-7. What else is there to do? Listen to Beyonce sing "To The Left To The Left To The Left" for the 100th time on 95.5? Nah. Now from 9-12, I listen exclusivly to Sean Baligian on DFN. I listen a little bit to Mike and Mike on XYT if there is a big national story I want to here a bout, but mostly it's Seany B. His show is, to me, the most entertaining of every sports radio show on in the market. What little I listen to of Jaime and Brady is also pretty much as unlistanable as "The Big Show". but Seany B usually has a good mix of sports and pop culture. He's got a good report with the update guys and doesn't swarm his show with insider bits like Jaime and Brady and Stoney and Wojo do. At 12:00 I will usually listen to the beginning of Jim Rome until 2. I like Rome a lot. When he's talking sports and getting his crazy Emails, I usually stop what I'm doing to make sure to listen. But when his "Clones" are involved, I turn the channel to anything but that. Them running "Smack" against each other is boring. Tobin in Chapel Hill? Jeff in Vancouver? As Rome says 'more of me, less of you' please keep it like that! At 2 I'll usually listen to the opening of the Sports Inferno. This show really has grown on me a lot over the past year. When it was on at 10:00, I never really gave it any mind and usually listened to Sean and just switched it on 1270 every now and then. Now at 2 I find myself turning on the inferno and leaving it till at least 3 and if it's a good topic, later. Now there are parts when I'll turn it. When Drew Sharp shows up, I will turn the station as quick as I turned it on. Speaking of high horses, Drew is one of the biggest offenders here in Detroit. Blah Blah Blah! And if Valenti is going on and on about Michigan State I will usually turn it off. But the report between Valenti and T-Fost is great. I like Foster a lot. He was one of my favorite columnists in Detroit for the longest time and I've always liked his radio work. Valenti, like the show, has grown on me a lot over the past year. When he came on, he was supposed to be this hot shot new kid taking on WDFN and going full out balls to the wall on them. He's calmed down a bit(except when it comes to MSU football, but when your rooting for the Detroit Lions of the NCAA, what do you expect?) and has really grown into a great host. Usually though at 3:00 I'll turn on the old reliable Stoney and Wojo. To quote the midday show on DFN, they are what they are. The best Detroit sports radio show of all time. Nothing even close. They've been doing it for 8 years now and are easily the most recognizable and most well regarded show in Detroit. Like Jaime and Brady, they get a little too inside with some of their bits and they go a little bit drop crazy sometimes, especially when Dery is doing the updates. But all and all it's still the best show in Detroit sports radio history, so they got that going for them.

Well, that's it for tonite. I just keep rambling and rambling here. Feel free to Email me if you find this by mistake if you feel like talking sports. I'm always up for some fun sports talk. In the coming week or 2 I'm going to try to pen together a 6/7 part baseball preview complete with world series predictions and award winners. Then in the beginning of April I want to go back to the past 7/8 drafts of Millens and dissect each one to see where the wheels fell off the track and also give a draft preview of the 07 draft. Or as I like to call it 'The Oh God PLEASE don't let Brady Quinn become a Detroit Lion' draft:)

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